Ad Deum Dance Company In Acts of Redemption An Uncommon Liturgy Through Dance

Coming to Midtown Arts & Theatre Center Houston, May 21 @8pm and May 22@ 2pm. In celebration of their 16th season of international performances and outreach, Ad Deum Dance Company presents Acts of Redemption – An Uncommon Liturgy Through Dance.
Artistic Director, Randall Flinn states, “The work and the offerings of true and compassionate artists are indeed sacramental. The signature of their artistry opens a portal to the sacred where grace is encounter that washes over the soul. It is with this belief and pursuit that we embark on this mission and present this liturgy of hope.”
Acts of Redemption serves as a contemporary and quite uncommon mix of professional dance fashioned with spiritual reverence and devotional presentation. More than mere performance, An Uncommon Liturgy is an intimate encounter with the virtues of faith transported through the fragrance of artistry. Here you will find a refuge from the storm and drink of a peace that surpasses understanding. For Ad Deum, the stage is transformed to holy place and a table of nourishing dance is served so that all might feast upon its beauty.
For more information contact: 713 626-5050 or
Tickets: $20 general admission

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